What I Miss When I’m on Vacation

Recently my family went on an extended vacation to the Caribbean, and it was awesome. There, that’s all of the bragging I will do about my vacation (because I’m humble like that). But I want to write about one of the things that I missed the most while I was away.

Of course, the things I really missed the most are the things that you would expect: my parents, my dogs, my friends, etc. One of the unexpected things though? Google.

I have to admit that as a person who loves knowledge, I think that Google is one of the greatest things ever invented. It’s like having all of the libraries and encyclopedias in the world at your fingertips. Want to know how many hearts an octopus has? Google it! Need to know the lyrics to “American Pie”? Google it! Have the sudden urge to learn some new cockney rhyming slang? Google is there for you!

So while I am on vacation, I literally make a list of all of the things that I want to Google once I get back into my cell phone’s data range. Am I the only one who does these things? I feel like this is one of those weird things that only I would think of. Fun tip though, if you ever need a way to kill a few hours at the airport though, this is a great way to fill the time.

This little quirk of mine also inspired me to think about articles for this website. I often Google some pretty unique things, and I have been thinking of late that all of this input needs some output. So would you lovely readers be interested in reading a semi-regular series of “What Did j Look up Today?”

Let me know your thoughts!

Crash. Burn. Reset.

My credit card was compromised in August.  Which sucked.  I had to go to the bank, sign paperwork, get a new card, wait for charges to be contested, etc.  I don’t know how it happened, but I wasn’t too concerned.  I got my new card, updated all of my auto-pay accounts and went on with my life.

Except, I didn’t update all of my auto-pays.  I neglected to update the auto-pay for the management of this site, and by the time I caught it (this morning), everything had been totally erased.


I could probably try to retrieve everything and re-post it (I might still do that).  But I might just look at it as an opportunity to move forward.  Work on a few new post series ideas.  Update this site a bit more often.

What do you guys think?  Should I try to recover my old content or just let it all go and start fresh?