Crash. Burn. Reset.

My credit card was compromised in August.  Which sucked.  I had to go to the bank, sign paperwork, get a new card, wait for charges to be contested, etc.  I don’t know how it happened, but I wasn’t too concerned.  I got my new card, updated all of my auto-pay accounts and went on with my life.

Except, I didn’t update all of my auto-pays.  I neglected to update the auto-pay for the management of this site, and by the time I caught it (this morning), everything had been totally erased.


I could probably try to retrieve everything and re-post it (I might still do that).  But I might just look at it as an opportunity to move forward.  Work on a few new post series ideas.  Update this site a bit more often.

What do you guys think?  Should I try to recover my old content or just let it all go and start fresh?